27 February 2020

My dream spoke to me

Something is falling from the sky
I looked up and saw it coming down
tried to go the opposite direction
to avoid getting hit.

All of a sudden it disappeared from my sight
silence blanketed my being
what an eerie feeling
I saw the plane crashed down.

A handful of passengers came out alive
with burns but able to stand
one by one they came out
brimming with joy and life.

It speaks to me of my own struggles
coming out of it all
able to find new meaning and direction
makes my heart overflow with joy.

12 February 2020

WE are God´s

No matter what happens each day
it is blessed, it is part of God´s plan.
I know it is not easy to stay with that
but I try to increase my belief
and anchor my life in the One
who gives me the light of the day.

We are God´s no matter what
I try my best to align my heart
to the One who has loved me
more than I could love myself
and more than what others can even
try to show and share this to me.

Embraced as One

When in a long lock down,  what is - becomes the  pattern  of a normal living. The space of time is long and open yet at the end of the day ...