23 April 2013

Higher Power leading us

I keep my belief
and hold on to that
the Divine Power
leading and guiding me.

I try to keep believing
in the goodness
that I have in me
to keep me through.

17 April 2013

I take care of me

It's an acknowledgment
that I do need
to take care of me
as I take care of others.

I can't be discounting
I have my needs
to attend to
as I take care of others.

I do love myself
as I love others
taking care of me
as I take care of others.

15 April 2013

Changing Gears

Fixations and obsessions
have taught me
to change my attitudes
and change my gears.

The directions I take
is never fixed
and never determined
it happens, it comes.

Changing my gears
toward a path
of being renewed
by opening myself.

On the horizon waits
dancing with the flow
acceptance of what comes
with a grand embrace.

04 April 2013


I feel the budding forth
of a new daybreak
when grasses and plants
come out with life.

The glorious morning sun
rises up to shine
birthing to new leaves
flowers come up brightly.

The beginning... it's hope
comes anew, recreating
rejoicing with varied colors
gently rejuvenates my spirit.

Embraced as One

When in a long lock down,  what is - becomes the  pattern  of a normal living. The space of time is long and open yet at the end of the day ...