29 July 2012

Woven Together, "Ecce Ancilla Domii"

From north and south
to east and west
in directions never traversed
Ecce Ancilla Domini.

Varied cultures
and yet differences
draw us together
Ecce Ancilla Domini.

Faith integrating
wholeness and fullness
of God’s mystery
Ecce Ancilla Domini.

Coming together
woven together
into one fabric
Ecce Ancilla Domini.

18 July 2012

Four White Birds

I waited and waited
     till you finally appeared
     in the form of four white birds
     flying into the direction of the north.

You all appeared
     as I wished to tell me
     I'm alright and you're alright
     where you are and are all together.

Thank you, you clarified my doubts
     my guilt of being in here
     that you never knew
     now I know you knew.

You blessed me and I am happy
     there is no distance between us
     I only need to call you
     and you'll be there for me.

30 April 2012

Staying on

Staying on the path
of never giving up
is a state of
keeping our hope alive.

Staying on the power
that consumes the darkness
to give way
to each morning's light.

Staying on the goodness
of each person
I meet and know
is an act of love.

18 April 2012

A chance to change

When I am wrong in my belief
and get settled with it
somethings does not sit right well.

When I pretend to be right
without necessary dialogue nor investigation
my judgment becomes lopsided.
It takes humility to see and know
we commit mistakes and can be bad
but this gives us chance to change.

13 April 2012


A time to heal
and get back to wholeness
once dis-ease disturbs the system
of our human bodies.

It's time to dialogue and listen
and care for our bodies
that need a gentle touch
and a close attention.

04 April 2012

Holy Week

Is a time of reflection
withdrawal from mundane things
that help us focus
to things important to us.

Is a time to reclaim
our roots in our faith
that would draw us
to the source of being.

Is  a time of respite
from the usual activities
to create new energies
to sustain us through.

Is a time to renew
our ways of loving
professing our faith
to the God of life.

23 March 2012

Changes, newness and learning

Who says I need to change?
changing attitude, changing one's outlook
create changes in my perception
about myself, others and the world.

Newness, so what is new?
everyday breaks the old ways
changes the old cells in me
to become a new me.

Learning, what are we learning?
new things about us and others
never a dull moment in us
to watch us growing graciously.

20 March 2012

When the colors are gone....

When the colors are gone
and nothing can be retrieved
I blow bubbles and watch
as they reach the sky.

17 March 2012

May my heart reaches yours

As distance affects the intimacy
in any human relationship
may my heart reaches yours.

May my heart reaches yours
even with the uninsurance
you still miss me.

When my heart reaches yours
then God must be there
connecting hearts drifting apart.

10 March 2012

Life is Simple

As I always believe
life is simple but
living in a complex web
dealing may not be simple.

Life can be designed
but living the design
inch by inch, I plan
gets the rough and trimming.

Life is simply lived
a minute a day
without much complex thinking
I simply, let live.

08 March 2012

When our heart's dream come alive

When my heart's dream come alive
I shower it with positive thinking
good will and patient endurance.

When my heart's dream come alive
I move on but never look back
thank the past for what's worth.

When my heart's dream come alive
what and who surround me now
its beauty reveals and its fragrance smells.

29 February 2012

Failures is for Learning

When I failed myself in many ways
others failed in their expectations of me
failures after failures do not lessen my dignity
this becomes a source of learning.

Failures can create newness in the self
a new way to communicate and to think
failures make one improve one's manners
and be more acceptable of one's limits.

21 February 2012

Slowing Down

From a fast pace to slowing down
gives me a conscious response
to be resolute in my desire
not to let down but be focused.
To watch my own movements
be conscious of my mind
when I direct my body's response
not to let down but be focused.

05 February 2012

Buenas noches

Son buenas las noches
cuando siento la paz
aunque algunos sentimientos
me dejan en pensándolos.

Me quitan todas razones
cuando cerro los ojos
y aparecen las estrellas
illuminando el cielo obscuro.

Las noches son buenas
me quitan los sueños
me dan mucho descanso
para enfrentar un nuevo dia.

04 February 2012

Buenos Días

Son los buenos días que yo celebro
muchas gracias a todas las personas
que me apoyaron a vivir mas
con mejor animo, cariño y agradecimiento.

Lo agradezco mucho el Dios 
que me acompaña tanto
en el camino que yo escojo
con tanta fe me da su fuerza.

Todos los días son buenos
el sol sale para todos nosotros
hago mi esfuerzo de vivir el día
como será, como sea y como es.

12 January 2012

What would it be like to live in the 21st Century?

I felt rattled as I face the question
I collected my great ideas and learnings
to see the challenges of the century  
a reality that would depend on us.

How do we respond to our future?
Animals have evolved to the present condition
old trees die to give birth to a new one
humans are capable of following the suit.
Learning and re-learnings from our past
and moving it forward to the future
to generate new and adaptable learnings
might create a new specie of human beings.

A different level of consciousness and action
we ought to develop and create in us
for our present situation and realities
we create the future in the 21st century.

02 January 2012

As the new year begins

As the new year begins
I set my foot
on the holy ground of being
refrained not to perceive
things I would like to happen.

I in my conscious state
would allow to evolve
events, people and all beings
come around the year
and let it be.

Let it come, let go
let the universe come to fore
may the naturality in beings
and being in the becoming
fill my heart and my soul.

Embraced as One

When in a long lock down,  what is - becomes the  pattern  of a normal living. The space of time is long and open yet at the end of the day ...