11 April 2010


The Jewish Passover meal "seder"   
at the sinagogue
is a sharing of the meal, ritual and prayer
and a privilege to partake of.

Jews and non-Jews a selected group
to get the experience and education 
of the journey made by God`s chosen people
the "Israelites" from slavery to liberation.

Were not Jesus and Mary both Jewish?
With great respect to the source of my faith,
I do raise my cup of wine, to cheer you up
for this tradition cherished and carried on.

At Emmaus, when the disciples said where not our hearts full?
My heart is full for the sharing of faith and meal
together with our Jewish brothers and sisters.

... In thanksgiving to my colleague, Jewish Rabbi, Gustavo Kraselnik of the Congregación Kol Shearith Israel who invited me to share this great meal. ...

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