12 January 2012

What would it be like to live in the 21st Century?

I felt rattled as I face the question
I collected my great ideas and learnings
to see the challenges of the century  
a reality that would depend on us.

How do we respond to our future?
Animals have evolved to the present condition
old trees die to give birth to a new one
humans are capable of following the suit.
Learning and re-learnings from our past
and moving it forward to the future
to generate new and adaptable learnings
might create a new specie of human beings.

A different level of consciousness and action
we ought to develop and create in us
for our present situation and realities
we create the future in the 21st century.

Embraced as One

When in a long lock down,  what is - becomes the  pattern  of a normal living. The space of time is long and open yet at the end of the day ...