30 April 2012

Staying on

Staying on the path
of never giving up
is a state of
keeping our hope alive.

Staying on the power
that consumes the darkness
to give way
to each morning's light.

Staying on the goodness
of each person
I meet and know
is an act of love.

18 April 2012

A chance to change

When I am wrong in my belief
and get settled with it
somethings does not sit right well.

When I pretend to be right
without necessary dialogue nor investigation
my judgment becomes lopsided.
It takes humility to see and know
we commit mistakes and can be bad
but this gives us chance to change.

13 April 2012


A time to heal
and get back to wholeness
once dis-ease disturbs the system
of our human bodies.

It's time to dialogue and listen
and care for our bodies
that need a gentle touch
and a close attention.

04 April 2012

Holy Week

Is a time of reflection
withdrawal from mundane things
that help us focus
to things important to us.

Is a time to reclaim
our roots in our faith
that would draw us
to the source of being.

Is  a time of respite
from the usual activities
to create new energies
to sustain us through.

Is a time to renew
our ways of loving
professing our faith
to the God of life.

Embraced as One

When in a long lock down,  what is - becomes the  pattern  of a normal living. The space of time is long and open yet at the end of the day ...